Les Mills & Silver Sneakers

We know that staying fit and active is the best way to build a strong immune system and stay healthy.  With Germantown Athletic Club's temporary closure, as a community protective measure, we want to provide you with some alternate fitness options.

Our Fitness on Demand partner, Les Mills, has provided a link to 95 different virtual workouts with varied content.  There are 8 different categories including Born to Move which focuses on kid's fitness.

This platform is free to use and will remain open and available as long as the Coronavirus situation continues to cause disruption. 

Click the link below to access the free LES MILLS virtual workouts. 


Our Silver Sneakers partner is also offering online classes to members who are eligible for Silver Sneakers. These classes can be found on their website by clicking here.  

We hope that these are helpful options easing the disruption in your fitness routine. We look forward to providing you with additional fitness options in the near future.

If you have questions feel free to contact us at info@gacfitness.org or 757-7370.